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2004-01-05 15:20  #1

级别: 小学三年级
积分: 162
发帖数: 139
注册日期: 2004-01
专访国际摄影师 Jean-Sebastien Monzani[转]
崇尚自然的人像---专访国际摄影师 Jean-Sebastien Monzani #1

Jean-Sebastien Monzani

摄影师专访 , By Herb HouStory ...

Jean-Sebastien Monzani 出生於法国,现定居於瑞士,同时擅长於设计、摄影,并锺情於剧场艺术,从国际的摄影师的角度来看,他的影像目前已在国际市场流通,透过(e)Kudji销售摄影创作,他的作品也已达相当的水平,散发出优雅而精致的欧洲风味。

我们欣赏Jean-Sebastien的作品,其实已有一段时日,很巧的是,在一个偶然的机会,Jean-Sebastien 留言给 Herb,谈到一幅 lonely smile 的作品,颇有"In the mood for love"(花样年华)的感觉。10月份,Herb 专访了 Jean-Sebastien,向他请益人像摄影的几个问题,并邀请他和数位视野的网友分享摄影心得。

在谈到摄影生涯时,Jean-Sebastien 表示,九年前他从法国迁居至瑞士(同样使用法语),在这里有相当多的艺术活动,而且,瑞士的生活气氛较为舒缓,这使得他有较充裕的时间,让他在游刃於摄影与剧场之间,对他而言,这是一个重要的创作因素。

Jean-Sebastien Monzani: I was actually borned in France, but I moved to Switzerland 9 years ago. As these two countries share the same language, it wasn't a big effort to move there. I really like Switzerland, people are less stressed than in France and in Lausanne (the city I'm living in), there are plenty of artistic events. This is very important to me as I equally share my spare time between theatre and photography.

在谈到作品风格的问题时,Jean-Sebastien 谦虚的表示,其实还没有很多人可以轻易地辨认出他的影像特色。大部份人在谈他的作品时,总是表示喜欢那种「柔美」的感觉,基本上,Jean-Sebastien 并不是要求人像模特儿著重在美姿美仪的表现上,相对的,他要的是一种「自然」的感觉。事实上,Jean-Sebastien 相当重视影像的自然感,而这揉合了几个重要的因素。

Jean-Sebastien Monzani: First, I don't think that so many people are able to identify uniquely my work. In the feedback I'm receiving, people usually like the "softness" of my images, and the way I'm creating images into which models are not "posing" too much. I'm really paying attention to adding this "natural"feeling into my work. This is a combination of various elements:

首先,Jean-Sebastien 相当偏好使用自然光,有的时候,他也会使用反光板,但是,就他的想法里,来自太阳的自然漫射光线,还是最佳的拍摄光源。

My pictures are shot under natural light. I'm occasionnaly using reflectors, but usually, the sunlight is the best source to me!

在拍摄之前,Jean-Sebastien 会先和模特儿开会,严谨地讨论到关於稍待要表现的姿态、动作,甚至连配件都在讨论之列。但是正式开拍时,Jean-Sebastien 则习惯和模特儿闲聊话家常,模特儿甚至不晓得摄影师何时按下快门,或是拍摄构图,而这种拍摄的方法和安排,便可以很容易地为影像带来轻松自然的感觉。

Sessions are carefully prepared with the model: we discuss poses, makeup, accessories... But while the session is going on, we're chating a lot and models usually don't know what and when I'm shooting. This element gives the "natural" feeling of the scene.

在後制处理上,Jean-Sebastien 较倾向保持影像的原味,当然,他也会考虑每张影像的反差对比及色彩饱和度。但是,反差及彩度,有时会导因於拍摄环境的条件,所以,Jean-Sebastien 总是尽量保持拍摄现场的简单与单纯化。不可否认,摄影师应该将注意力摆在最後的影像成果上,在他的经验中,的确有很多影像,因为改变了曝光或是色调曲线,而获得很大的改善。

Postproduction: I'm not manipulating my images, but I'm really concerned by finding the right contrast and intensity for every picture. This careful attention associated with proper selection of shooting environments (I try to keep them as clean and simple as possibles) adds the final touch. Photographers should really pay attention to the final image: I've seen numerous examples of pictures that could have been greatly improved by just changing their exposure or adjusting their tone curve, for instance.

和模特儿的沟通-- 专访国际摄影师 Jean-Sebastien Monzani #2

Jean-Sebastien Monzani

摄影师专访 , By Herb HouStory ... 在谈到人像摄影师如何与模特儿建立良好的互动时,Jean-Sebastien 表示,在拍摄之前,事先与模特儿开会讨论其实是非常重要的,然而,和模特儿讨论的细节并不是指要细谈每一个固定的姿态或表现,而是告诉她们,我们想要表达的创意构思及情境,这也是掌控全场、随机应变的最高原则。


Discussing with the model prior to the session is very important. This doesn't mean that you have to plan every pose or every expression: but once you've defined the atmosphere and ideas that you'd like to convey, it's way easier to play with these "rules" and change them on the fly.Furthermore, models are more confident if they know what the session will look like before starting it (this is important as my models are not profesionnals).

在谈到树立作品的风格问题时,Jean-Sebastien 认为,每一个摄影师基本上还是会为其他的摄影师所影响,事实上,他也无法妄称自己创作了一个全新的影像。每一个影像总是会带来不同的感触及想法,因此,Jean-Sebastien 较倾向於多样的表现。当我们认为Jean-Sebastien的影像有一致的调性,他则认为那应该是就特定阶段的拍摄来讲是这样。

Every photographer is influenced by others' works. I'm not pretending to take new images that were never seen before. It just comes out that you discover after a certain time that your interpretation of images becomes coherent, even if the original image that inspired you was different.



My advices would only apply to "posed" images (and not journalism, for instance).

首先,要做好准备的工作,构思好你想传达的情境、故事主题,并精确地规划要使用哪些备件、场景... 等。
prepare the session, and have something in mind: an atmosphere that you'd like to convey, a story... Be precise on the accessories and place that you'd like to use.


discuss with the model. Make her/him confident by explaining your goals. It's way easier than starting a session from scratch.


take care of the lightning: this is the most important part. Keep it soft (shoot under shaded areas for instance) to flatter the model's face.


keep chating with the model during the session, explain what you're doing.

[ 此帖由 wzdcz 最后编辑于: 2004-01-05 15:22 ]
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2004-01-05 19:41  #2

级别: 小学六年级
积分: 724
发帖数: 707
注册日期: 2003-12

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2006-05-15 20:44  #3

级别: 小学一年级
积分: 15
发帖数: 15
注册日期: 2004-03
来自: 中国, 湖南, 衡阳
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