心灵花 - 处贴之身
发现你困在烟域的房子里,墨尔本 winfield的味道及你所忘记怎么输入的中文字 (真的输好慢!) 生活节奏也缓慢了下来 需要的是 一个能听你言语的人 需要的是 一个回应 一个陪伴 。。。。。。一朵花 希望你能给第一次发贴的小弟个评语 。。谢· When the moon is out, Don't take a torch with you, If you take a torch with you, The moon will be heartbroken. When a plant are with its flowers, Don't take a basket and cut the flowers, If you shoulder the basket to cut the flowers, The flower plant will be heartbroken. If you are pledged to a girl who loves you, Don't fancy another, If you fancy another, The girl will be heartbroken. 道威 airbeck98@hotmail.com
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当时如果没有什么 当时如果又有什么 又会怎样?