小提琴情人 、
<甄东亮提琴制作研究室> 已制琴33年. 甄东亮的名字已载入<<世界名人录>>(第1220页,网上有电子版),他与中国第一名国际提琴制作大师郑荃是挚友.并与意大利等欧洲的大师们保持着密切联系.前年,他儿子用他制作的琴,考入中央音乐学院附中中提琴专业.不仅是山东省七年来考中此校的唯一.还在中央音乐学院第三届(2006年)中提琴比赛中,获得银奖(初中组).(2007)获中国中提琴文化节中提琴比赛第三名.全国各地好多学生也用他的制琴考上了音乐院校.他还修复国外古名琴数十把.他的制琴已获得国内外专家.学生.收藏.爱好者的极大好评与认可.他还是高级钢琴调律师.他立誓以毕生精力致力于高级演奏用琴的制作及其研究事业.
E-mail:violin_lover@163.com E-mail:tshtwr@163.com Zhen Dong Liang violin create laboratory has been making violin for thirty-two years.His name, Zen Dong liang has listed in the world famous persons blue boo -k (page 1220).He and Zheng Quan who is the first int ernational violin making master of Chinese are bosom friends, And he has an consanguineous relation with m -asters of Italia and Europe.The year before last, hi -s son passed the exam and go to the center music col -lege accessorial middle school using his violin made by him. He was the only one to pass the exam in Shan Dong Province in the past six years In 2006, his son won the second price of the third fall due violin co -mpetition(junior high school)Many students have pas -sed the exam and gone to musical college by using th -e violins made by him The experts home and abroad sp -eak highly of the violins made by him.And he has res -tored over ten famous abroad ancient violins And he is advanced piano tuning master. He has devoted himse -lf in making advanced violins and other investigatio -n cause.
我 的情人小提琴, 心 似芳兰音为本. 如 歌如泣唱人生, 兰 之高雅乃胸襟
小提琴情人 文 摄影 E-mail: violin_lover@163.com
小提琴情人 上传了这个图片:
我的情人小提琴, 心似芳兰色乃本. 如歌如诉唱人生, 兰之高雅是她音.