Introduction: The Canon EF 28-70mm f/2.8 USM L is a discontinued lens introduced back in late 1993. The lens has been replaced by the EF 24-70mm f/2.8 USM L (see separate review) in late 2002. As a designated L class lens it is primarily intended for professional users but its was affordable enough for many serious amateurs - and it's more so now on the used market. On APS-C DSLRs such as the EOS 350D (used for testing) its field-of-view is equivalent to 45-112mm on full-frame cameras which isn't overly useful due to the rather "long" wide-end. 佳能28-70/2.8是一只面市于1993,至今已经停产的镜头,在2002年末被24-70/2.8取代.作为一只L级镜头,它主要针对的是专业用户,但也被很多发烧友拥有-----在现在的二手市场它仍然屡见不鲜.在ASP-C画幅的机身上(比如350D)获得的等效焦距为45-112mm,在全副机身上因为太长的广角端,反而显得不是太实用. Verdict The performance of the Canon EF 28-70mm f/2.8 USM L came as a surprise because its optical quality exceeded the EF 24-70mm f/2.8 USM L (two samples tested). The lens doesn't really show any significant flaws - the resolution figures are very high and distortions and especially vignetting are very low. The degree of CAs is pretty decent for a zoom in this range. The build quality is very good with only the reverse zoom extension as a minor downside. 由于28-70/2.8在光学质量上优于24-70/2.8,它的表现可以用另人惊讶来形容.相当高的分辨率指标,变型尤其是暗角都很小,这只镜头确实没有表现出任何重大缺陷.作为这个焦段的变焦镜头来讲,其对色散的控制程度还是相当不错.
本人前段时间一时性起,将它卖了,想换XB,结果不凑巧,当地二手市场居然一下不出来了。偶然翻看以前的28-70/2.8的PP,那艳丽的色彩以及在全开光圈下依然锐利的画面.......顿生无限怀念之情。老天给了我再来一次的机会,又一只28-70进入了我的视线,这一次我要对它说:我爱你!期限是一万年!!! 小弟在此也学别人抛砖引玉,请广大拥有此头的摄友们踊跃发帖。。。。
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[ 此帖由 mr.key 最后编辑于: 2007-06-26 12:59 ]