新摄影论坛 > 器材讨论区 > 佳能单反镜头 > [求助]图丽的16-50到底怎么样啊?当然是EF卡口的啦  
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2008-01-06 22:47  #1

级别: 小学三年级
积分: 105
发帖数: 102
注册日期: 2007-12
来自: 中国, 上海, 上海
Tokina AF 16-50mm F2.8 IF 前两天店里看到。 一看就是极其强悍的做工。 非常的好看,手感非常扎实。 现在好象是4300左右。 比17-40L便宜500来块钱? 哪个值。我觉的做工TOKINA不输CANON。 TOKINA 165PRO的问题好象主要是紫边厉害。 没有超声波对焦。 有用过的人嘛? 请说两句。
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[ 此帖由 Kevin.400D 最后编辑于: 2008-01-06 22:54 ]
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2008-01-06 22:48  #2

级别: 小学三年级
积分: 105
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注册日期: 2007-12
来自: 中国, 上海, 上海
全金属机身。 将近650G的重量。 9叶圆形光圈。 PANTAX的SMC镀膜, 防水溅,防油污。 植绒遮光罩。
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[ 此帖由 Kevin.400D 最后编辑于: 2008-01-06 22:51 ]
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2008-01-06 22:54  #3

级别: 高中一年级
精华: 6
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注册日期: 2006-01
来自: 中国, 北京, 北京

我给您找了FM上三位摄友的评论, 也是目前仅有的三个评价, 总体上评价还可以....

Review Date: Jan 2, 2008 Recommend? yes | Price paid: $635.00 | Rating: 10

Pros: Excellent Build quality. Fast and very smooth focus. Photos are tack sharp.
Cons: A very tiny bit of barrel distortion at wide open, but not enough to even concern yourself with

I bought this lens just a few months ago and I have absolutely fallen in love with it. The photos are tack sharp throughout the range.
The build quality is as all Tokina's lenses just absolutely superb.
I recently completed a night shoot in the snow and was taken away with the quality of the photos and the len's abilities at 2.8.
I do have a tiny bit of barrel distortion at wide open but as stated in the cons it is not enough concern as I won't be shooting architectural photos with it.
I am extremely pleased with this lens and it will not be gathering dust in my bag.
If you are looking for a lens in this range you cannot go wrong with this one.

Jan 2, 2008

Don Olson
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Registered: Sep 24, 2006
Location: United States
Posts: 175 Review Date: Sep 14, 2007 Recommend? yes | Price paid: $655.00 | Rating: 8

Pros: Excellent build quality,auto focus is fast and in my copy accurate. controls operate smoothly and are well dampened, manual focus clutch operates well.
Cons: some barrel distortion on the wide end and some vignetting wide open. But nothing that isn't easily corrected. Maybe a little soft wide open at 16 but straightens out soon stopped down a bit.

So far I have to say that I am happy with my decision to go with the Tokina over the Tamron or Sig. issues in this focal length. My copy focus' fast and accurately with minimal noise.
All the controls operate very smoothly and with just the right amount of dampening for my touch.

The dreaded CA really hasn't shown up in the harsh contrast shots I've done. A little wide open but nothing that isn't easily corrected.
Actually there is less CA on this lens than on my AF-S 28-70 or 70-200 that I have to contend with.

There is some vignetting t 16 /2.8, again easily corrected and is gone stopped down 1.

I have 2 shots where the Sun is prevalent One low and one high. There is no flair in the one that's low and a slight flair in the one where the Sun is high. That I didn't fine objectionable.

At 2.8 the images do appear a little soft but again as expected sharpen up one ortwo stops down the cleans up too.

Maybe I'm easy to please but I find the overall performance of this lens to be quite good. I have tried other glass in the past and found them wanting in various areas but this is the first that I can say is nice addition to my arsenal of most used glass.


Sep 14, 2007

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Registered: May 30, 2006
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 0 Review Date: Jul 13, 2007 Recommend? yes | Price paid: Not Indicated | Rating: 8

Pros: build quality is excellent, focus is surprisingly fast and relatively quiet for being a non-AF-S type lens
Cons: focus accuracy isn't great, sharpness wide open is hit or miss although this again is likely down to the focus issue I currently have

I really, really want to like this lens, and it does have a lot going for it. When I first received it I was a little disappointed by the sharpness wide open as the reviews I had read online said it was very good, but my copy left something to be desired often when wide open. I then discovered it is back focusing by quite a bit, so I've called Tokina (Kenro in the UK) to have it fixed but they haven't called me back yet and its 3 days later which is a little annoying too. At f/4 it is very sharp and the slightly larger dof is helping to mask the focusing issue I think. Once the focus has been sorted, I think f/2.8 should be a lot better. The other negative is that the exposure seems a little off when I use this lens on my S5 Pro as it wants to over-expose all the time. When I use it on my D200 however, it seem very consistent and accurate, not a deal breaker but nonetheless, my my lenses shouldn't be dictating what body they want to be used on to me.

The build quality is fantastic for the price, and I was surprised by how quick the focus is and in addition it isn't loud at all for a non AF-S/HSM/USM lens. This is probably due to the fact that the focus throw is very small, it focuses very close at just under 1ft and gets to infinity just after 3ft, using manual focus its only about 45 degree turn of the ring from MFD to infinity which does make manual focusing a little more difficult but on a positive not the focus clutch mechanism is well done and the best alternative to full time manual focus you get with AF-S. I am still a little ambiguous about this lens, but once the focus issue is fixed and assuming I get consistent f/2.8 sharp focus then it will be great as the Tamron build quality is terrible as is the particular Sigma alternative to this lens (although some Sigma EX lenses are great) as they both turn their focus rings in AF, so I think I will be very happy in the end. From f/4 on, its already a great lens, but f/2.8 performance is very important in an f/2.8 lens.

Lastly, Tokina really needs to get their act together with lens coatings as CA is their one problem across all their lenses. This lens too suffers from it at larger apertures from 16-30mm. It is easy to fix though, so it doesn't bother me too much but they still need to develop or buy somebody else's coating technology. This lens is very resistant to flare so far, so thats a nice surprise, and 16mm is noticeably wider than 18mm, which makes it a lot more useful.

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2008-01-06 23:15  #4

级别: 小学三年级
积分: 105
发帖数: 102
注册日期: 2007-12
来自: 中国, 上海, 上海
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2008-01-07 11:00  #5

级别: 小学三年级
积分: 105
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注册日期: 2007-12
来自: 中国, 上海, 上海
好不容易看完了。 我来总结一下几位老外的使用感受。
优点: 做工难以置信的优秀。 (三位老外相继用了Excellent , fantastic 来形容做工).
对焦极其迅速, 坚决, 安静。 (相对与一只没有超音波马达的镜头, 这可能是对焦最好的镜头了)
镜头抗眩晕效果极好。 (可能于新的镀膜有关)

缺点:对焦不是十分准确。 (和机身有关? )
曝光有问题。 (说在S5上有过曝倾。在D200上就很好)
广焦端有明显桶状变形。 (废话?)
广焦端F2.8下锐度不行。 要收到F4以上才可。

[ 此帖由 Kevin.400D 最后编辑于: 2008-01-07 11:04 ]
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2008-01-07 11:02  #6

级别: 小学三年级
积分: 105
发帖数: 102
注册日期: 2007-12
来自: 中国, 上海, 上海
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2008-01-07 13:33  #7

级别: 小学六年级
积分: 921
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注册日期: 2004-11
来自: 中国, 北京, 北京

桶形畸变属于这类镜头的通病,和大光圈下锐度不是最好一样,降到F4肯定是要好的, 镜头均是如此.
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2008-01-07 15:06  #8

级别: 小学三年级
积分: 113
发帖数: 92
注册日期: 2007-11
来自: 中国, 北京, 北京


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2008-01-07 15:55  #9

级别: 小学三年级
积分: 105
发帖数: 102
注册日期: 2007-12
来自: 中国, 上海, 上海
这么一说, 收个二手的岂不是挺实惠。 可惜此头拥有的人太少,出的时间也不长。 还没见有人开卖。
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