终于没有逃了。 第一次快门err99,换卡,无问题了。 之后几千次快门都无问题。 至前两星期,OMG...换卡换电池都没起色。而且基本上没有太好遵循的规律。 但是肯定的是反光板或相关机构的故障,因为不按快门,反光板自己动作,当然,这并不经常发生,第一次发生是用LV模式的时候,没有直接按set退出LV,而是按了回放,直接就挂了。之后再按menu,反光板动作,按一次动作一次。直接power off。重新启动,赶紧关掉LV功能。后,再试验,用LV模式,频繁的话基本上都会ERR99。 但是即便是err99, 快门动作以后,照片依然保存在了存储卡上,而且图片没有问题(raw+s).但是在此之前这样的问题是不会发生的. 实在让人想不通. 然后昨天晚上回家按照下面的又试验了一下 From Dpreview:
"To isolate the cause of the issue, we [Canon] suggest that you do the following: 1. Turn off the camera. 2. Remove the lens, battery, and CF card. 3. Allow the camera to sit without power for approximately 20 minutes. 4. Insert a fully charged battery, and turn on the camera. 5. Depress the shutter button as you would to take a picture.
Does the “ERR 99〃 message appear? If it does, then the camera should be serviced. If it does not, then please proceed to the next set of steps:
1. Turn off the camera. 2. Insert the CF card. 3. Turn on the camera. 4. Format the CF card in the camera. 5. Depress the shutter button as you would to take a picture.
Does the “ERR 99〃 message appear? If so, then the CF card is the most likely source of the issue. Try using a different card.
If the message does not appear, please complete the following steps:
1. Turn off the camera. 2. Clean the lens contacts by gently rubbing them with a pencil eraser or soft cloth. Be careful that you do not let any debris fall into the camera body. 3. Reattach your lens. 4. Turn on the camera. 5. Depress the shutter button as you would to take a picture.
If the “ERR 99〃 message only appears when one particular lens is attached, then that lens should be examined by a service technician.
If you see the “ERR 99〃 with a different Canon lens attached, then the camera should be serviced."
试验不成功,按照它(canon)建议的步骤做没有问题 但是LV模式依然反光板错误动作,err99
我只用50/1.4 usm, 并不是很多人遇到的镜头触点电池触点的问题.
好像台湾香港类似的问题很多. 已经买了快五个月了. 广州艺联行货, 无票.