引用: 最初由 子求 发表 谢谢楼上,我也估计是这样的 所以我现在想出了400D+isxxb+17-40 换成5D套
这个想法如何? |
Set 1: 400D套机,50M1.4,ISXXB,17-40F4L。 Set 2: 5D + 24-105. I would like to keep Set 1. It's so clear that Set 1 will do much more job than Set 2. If only for the 5D body, I don't think that's a good idea. 17-40 can do the same job(wide angle) on 400 as 24-105. Can 24-105 do the same job as ISXXB on 5D?? Use Set 1 for a while and buy 5DII body later.
[ 此帖由 glenman 最后编辑于: 2008-09-11 07:59 ]