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本主题由 mido 于 2008-12-12 09:04 设置高亮
2008-12-05 13:28  #1

级别: 初中二年级
精华: 1
积分: 2113
发帖数: 1991
注册日期: 2008-01
来自: 中国, 上海, 宁夏
原作者是摄影师Michael Reichmann先生,翻译是


要提高摄影水平就要多看大师作品多听大师意见。但是光看中国的不行,一定要放眼世界,瞄准全球顶尖水平。摄影专业英文的重要性就不言而喻了。我花了半个周末的时间翻译了这篇我认为很好的文章, 英文原文也一并附上,希望对摄影初学者和学英文的同学都有所帮助。也期待大家的批评指正。此文的翻译初稿是2003年初完成的,这里我要感谢园园小姐那时候的热心帮助,做为英文专业人士她耐心帮我改正了不少我译文中的一些欠妥之处。翻译是再创作,此话真的不假。太费时间了。SO 谢谢我自己,和园园。

Lens Sharpness - The Never-Ending Quest

镜头锐度(解像力) - 一个永恒的追求

But How Sharp Is it Really!? One of the most common questions that I'm asked is,
Is the ... lens sharper than the ... lens?
A variation on this theme is...
What do you think of the ... lens? Is it sharp?
Or there's the more generic... Is a zoom lens as sharp as a prime lens?


That's enough! I'm about to answer your questions, (as well as a few that you didn't ask), and from here on, until the end of time, you need ask them no more. And, if anyone asks you these questions, you'll now know where to refer them. Right here.

够了!现在我就来回答你的这些问题(还包括其他你也许没问到的),从此直到地球的末日,你就再也不会问此类问题了。如果再有人问你,你知道该让他们上哪儿找答案 - 这里。



[ 此帖由 猫咪熊 最后编辑于: 2008-12-18 14:48 ]

mido   2008-12-12 09:04   +20   推荐主题
mido   2008-12-12 09:03   +50   精华主题
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2008-12-05 13:28  #2

级别: 初中二年级
精华: 1
积分: 2113
发帖数: 1991
注册日期: 2008-01
来自: 中国, 上海, 宁夏
What's All This About Sharpness Anyhow?


There are photographers who love to test and compare things. When they make prints or examine their slides under a loupe, they are not looking to see if they have properly captured a special location, light or subject. They are first and foremost concerned with technical quality rather than image quality.


Consequently they fret and fuss. They choose primes over zooms. They buy the most expensive brands of bodies and lenses. But then when they have them, what do they do? Do they settle down to pursue their photography? No, they fuss and fret some more, worrying that if only they had a sharper lens their photography would somehow improve. Sound familiar?

自然的, 他们大惊小怪,然后焦躁不安。他们扔掉变焦镜去买定焦。他们去买最昂贵的机身和镜头。但是,买来之后,他们又是怎么做的呢?专心致志的去追求摄影艺术吗?没有,他们更加大惊小怪,更加焦躁不安,觉得要是有一个解像力更好的镜头,他们的照片肯定会更好。嗯,听起来耳熟?

[ 此帖由 猫咪熊 最后编辑于: 2008-12-18 14:49 ]

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2008-12-05 13:30  #3

级别: 初中二年级
精华: 1
积分: 2113
发帖数: 1991
注册日期: 2008-01
来自: 中国, 上海, 宁夏
There isn't a photographer alive who doesn't care about how sharp his or her lenses are. It's one of the primary manias of anyone playing this game. We buy and sell different brands of cameras in search of the holy grail of sharpness.


Should I trade in my Nikon gear for Canon? Should I trade in my Canon outfit for Nikon glass? damn, maybe I should buy a Leica system. I hear Leica lenses are fantastic. But, how about Contax? Those Zeiss lenses have great reputations. But boy, are those lenses ever expensive. Are they worth it?


I know you've never had these thoughts, but you have heard from lots of other photographers who have. Go to any of the on-line discussion boards. You will find that talk about lens sharpness represents probably half the discussions — most of it filled with unsubstantiated opinions and mistruths.


After 40 years as a professional photographer as well as an ardent amateur, as a teacher and as a journalist, I've learned certain things about photography and photographic equipment, and specific to this topic — about lens sharpness, its importance as well as, frequently, its lack of importance.

Here then is what I know about the subject, shorn of as much baffle gab and BS as I know how to make it.

做为一个狂热的摄影爱好者以及职业摄影师四十余年,同时也是摄影记者和讲师,本人熟悉摄影的方方面面。摄影器材(特别是本文所要讨论的话题-镜头锐度),当然是重要的- 不过,更多的时候,并不是那么重要。

Some Cosmic Truths

I'm now going to let you in on the great truths. The ones that all true cognoscenti know, but that are hidden from newcomers and the otherwise uninitiated. If you're really observant you may notice that this piece has some scattered evidence of the use of irony, (some would call it sarcasm.) Ignore the man behind the curtain. I stand behind every statement.



Finally, note before you enter the inner sanctum that I have occasionally used the word "Usually".

That's because to be a universal truth, there must be an exception that makes it so. Otherwise, what would we have to argue about?


Prime Lenses are Sharper than Zooms Lenses (Usually)

The title says it all. There is no free lunch! If you want the utmost in sharpness, don't buy a zoom lens. But, if you want greater shooting versatility by all means do buy a zoom. You'd be a fool not to.



Why are primes sharper? A number of reasons. Zooms lenses by necessity have more elements than primes. This makes them more difficult to design, increases the risk of various forms of optical aberration, and can reduce contrast and increase flare.

为什么定焦镜头锐度更高?好几个原因。因为要变焦,所以变焦镜头的镜片数目比定焦的多。这样以来变焦头就更难设计,更容易发生光学色差,镜片数目多也会减低对比度并增加光斑(特别是逆光时的反光- 译者注)。

Prime lenses usually have larger apertures than zooms, and the laws of optics say that all other things being equal (which they often aren't) a wider aperture lens will be sharper than one with a smaller aperture — the issue being diffraction effects.


Having made the case for prime lenses, let me say that three of the sharpest lenses I own, the Canon 70~200 f/2.8L IS zoom, Leica's M series 28-35-50mm Tri-Elmar, and the Pentax 67's 55~100mm f/4.5 zoom, are as good as any primes in their formats that I've ever used. As I said — "usually" sometimes defines the rule.

OK,这是定焦镜的一般规律,让我来说说我的三支锐度最高的镜头,它们是:佳能的70-200F2.8L IS变焦镜;莱卡M系列的三段式变焦镜头 Tri-Elmar 28-35-50mm;宾得67的55-100mm F4.5 变焦镜。 这三支变焦镜比我用过的任何定焦镜都不差。这就是我前面为什么老是用“一般来说”这个词。

Camera Manufacturer's Lenses are Sharper than Third Party Lenses (Usually)

Camera manufacturers want you to buy their lenses. They don't want you to buy a lens from a third party. If you do they don't make as much money, and making money is why they're in business. Therefore they have to make some of their lenses as inexpensive as possible. But, professionals and other serious photographers want the finest lenses possible, which are expensive to make. What to do?



Most major brands therefore make two lens lines, sometimes so indicated (like Canon's "L" series glass), and sometimes just differentiated by price. This allows them to cater to both markets.


Third party lens makers usually aren't interested in selling camera bodies. They want to sell you lenses. And since most amateur photographers make their buying decision based pretty much on price alone, it isn't hard for these companies to figure out what to do to get this business.


If you want the finest lens of a given type, buy the manufacturer's top-line lens. If your priority is to save money, then buy the third party lens. No matter how hard you try and imagine it to be so, that $200 lens (including a free skylight filter) from Sigma, Tamron or their brethren just isn't going to be as sharp, free from flare and optical aberrations, well designed and sturdily constructed as a $900 optic from Canon, Nikon or one of the
other majors.


Are there exceptions to this. Yes, maybe, sometimes. Some types of lenses are easier to design than others, so low-cost third-party lenses can be quite decent. But, this brings us to our next cosmic truth.


You Get What You Pay For

Test drive a BMW or a Lexus. Now test drive a Chevy or Nissan. Notice any differences? Of course you do. Compare the prices. Now you understand why better costs more.

便宜无好货 (猫熊觉得此处更适合译成'一分价钱一分货')


What applies to cars applies to lenses as well. Quality costs money. When is "good enough", good enough? Only you can answer that. If you can afford a Mercedes, good for you. If a Leica prime lens is within your reach, go for it. But if you can't afford one don't delude yourself that a lens that costs 2-3 times as much as another isn't worth the money. It is. For those that can afford it! For those that can't — get over it, and live happily with what you can afford.

镜头和车也是一样。高质量意味着高价格。多好是“足够好”?足够好?只有你自己知道。如果你买得起奔驰,那很好。如果你负担得起莱卡定焦镜头,那就买好了。如果你买不起,那就别自欺欺人的说那些贵两三倍的镜头根本不值那个价钱。对那些买的起的人来说它们就是值!对那些买不起的人- 算了,忘了它,好好去玩那些你买得起的镜头吧。

Please read my parable on coveting high-end equipment for further thoughts on this topic. Good Technique Trumps Sharp Optics Now for one of the biggest truths of all. You can fret all you want about how sharp a given lens may be, but if your photographic technique isn't first rate, having a lens capable of producing high resolution and high contrast is hardly worth a damn.




[ 此帖由 猫咪熊 最后编辑于: 2008-12-18 15:01 ]

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2008-12-05 13:30  #4

级别: 初中二年级
精华: 1
积分: 2113
发帖数: 1991
注册日期: 2008-01
来自: 中国, 上海, 宁夏
To get the best from any lens here are some things that you should be doing:


Use a solid tripod

For 95% of the landscape, nature and wildlife work that I do I use a tripod. Religiously. I own three; big, bigger and biggest. Just about the only time I hand-hold a camera is when I'm doing documentary-style street shooting. Hand-holding usually leads to inferior images, particularly in landscape and nature photography.


我的风景摄影,自然和野生动物摄影95%都使用三角架。严格的说我有三个三角架:大的,更大的,和最大的。只有一种情况我会手持相机拍摄- 那就是街头纪实摄影。手持相机常常会导致劣质图象,特别是风景和自然摄影时。

Use mirror lock-up and a cable release.

Vibration; any vibration, is a sharpness killer. Don't hand-hold a lens at a slow shutter speed and a wide aperture and then worry about whether the lenses sharp or not. What are you thinking of?



Image Stabilization.

Whether it's Canon's IS or Nikon's VR, this is one of the greatest innovations in lens design of the last quarter century. It works, and it works damn well. for serious long lens work, even when working on a tripod, Canon's family of Image Stabilized "L" series lenses are worth their weight in gold (which partially explains their price).


不管是佳能的IS(image stabilization)还是尼康的VR(vibration reduction),都是近25年来镜头设计上最伟大的发明。它们确实真有用,而且是真TMD有用!当使用长焦镜头来进行严肃的摄影创作时,即使是使用三角架,佳能“L”系列IS镜头的图象稳定器之作用也珍贵如金,这也就是为什么它们都那么贵。


Use the lens' optimum aperture.

This is typically not with the lens wide open, and never when stopped all the way down. Only the finest lenses are as sharp wide-open as when closed down somewhat, and no lens is at its best when stopped down to f/22 or f/32, due to diffraction effects. Most lenses have their optimum aperture at 2-3 stops down from wide open.



Use fine-grain, high-resolution film

You want to be able to see what you've paid all that money for, don't you? Of course using such film means ISO speeds of under 100, which means that a tripod, cable release and mirror lock-up are a necessity when combined with the use of the lens' optimum aperture.


花了那么多钱,你一直想得到最佳解像度的图片,不是吗?当使用最佳光圈时,你还应该同时使用ISO100或者更低速的胶卷(如ISO50的 FUJI VELVIA - 译者注),相机的反光板锁定功能,三角架,以及快门线。

Your image processing technique and equipment must be as good as your photographic technique and your lenses.

Whether in the chemical or the digital darkroom; whether using an enlarger or a computer, anything less than the finest tools and techniques will obviate whatever investment you've made i n fine lenses.



Can you honestly say that your prints match your hopes for a given image? It may not be your lens that's at fault. It may be what you're doing and the tools that you're using after the photograph was taken that's limiting your ultimate image quality.


If all of the above are not part of your everyday shooting technique then you're likely not getting the most from your expensive lenses. Only when you've given a lens every chance to show its best do you have the right to determine if its performing at its best.


Think about the variables standing between a scene in front of the camera and a print hanging on the wall. A large number of factors determine whether or not the print will be sharp.


The lens' resolution capabilities; The film's resolution capabilities; Camera and/or subject motion; Aperture used and consequent depth of field as well as use of optimum aperture. Film flatness — is the pressure-plate doing its job properly? Film thickness — are all layers in the film (color) bringing the image into focus.

镜头的解像能力;胶卷的解像能力;相机或被摄体的移动;所用的光圈以及其相应景深;是否使用了最佳光圈;胶卷平度- 相机的压力盘(压住胶卷的那个小长方形盘)正常工作吗?(也就是胶卷是稳妥的否上好了-译者注)
胶卷厚度 - ???(这里我不知道怎么翻译,请各位高手指点。译者注。)

Film grain — sometimes grain makes images look sharper — sometimes the opposite!

胶卷颗粒- 有时候颗粒使图片看起来更锐利,而有时候则正好相反!

Enlarger parallelism — many aren't, and sharpness suffers

放大机的平衡度- 许多并不平, 所以也达不到最佳锐度;

Negative carrier precision and film flatness


Enlarging lens quality and aperture used


Resolution of the printing paper used


Of course digital post-processing has its own issues, including...

当然数码后期处理也有相应的问题, 它们包括:

The film flatness capabilities of the scanner's carrier; The native resolution of the scanner chip and firmware; The Sharpening level applied in post-processing ; The native resolution of the printer; The resolution of the printing paper used.


For digital cameras many of the same issues as for film cameras apply, as well as those for digital image processing.

See what I mean? The sharpness of a given lens is just one of a myriad of factors, and usually not the most important one, in determining if a print will look "sharp".


那我以上所说的到底是什么意思?镜头的锐度只是决定最终照片锐度的众多因素之一, 而且往往不是最重要的因素。

The Bottom Line

Are you ready for this? Here's the big one. The one big truth that I've learned about this subject after more than 40 years as a photographer, and which summarizes the points above.



“Most Lenses are Better Than Most Photographers"
Does this idea make you uncomfortable? Good. That's what it's meant to do. Think about it.


Yes, there is a difference between brands. There definitely is something special about many Leica lenses, and Zeiss lenses are generally superb. Top Nikon and Canon glass can be as good as it gets. On the other side of the coin, some Sigma-Tamron -Tokina lenses are indeed so much junk. Some though are pretty good.

是的, 镜头品牌之间是有差异的。莱卡(LEICA)镜头肯定有它特别之处,蔡司(ZEISS)镜头总体上来说是顶级的。顶级的尼康和佳能镜头也几近完美。从另外一方面来说,有些镜头,如适马(SIGMA),腾龙(TAMRON)和图丽(TOKINA)简直就是垃圾,但有些确实也相当不错。

All of these statements are based on personal experience. None though are universal truths. But it's my unquestionable experience that it is rare indeed that I ever see photographs taken by folks that fret about these issues that even come close to matching the capabilities of even the least pretentious of lenses.


This is why there are those folks that makes the claims that they do about some lenses or brands, or countries of origin, while there are others who say that they don't see the differences. This isn't a case of "the emperor's new clothes". It's often just a matter of experience and skill, each of which can be acquired if one has the will.


So, unless you are utilizing all of your photographic skills and know what to look for and how to achieve it, stop worrying so much about sharpness. Buy the lens that fits within your budget and that meets the needs of the type of shooting that you do. Most of all, stop worrying and just enjoy doing your photography.




本文的原作者Michael Reichmann 是一位从事摄影40年的职业摄影家。他的个人网站网址如下:

在文章中Michael Reichmann提到了一个非常有趣的寓言, 翻译如下:

Once Upon a Time.... Once upon a time there was a young career photographer. He was talented, but he didn't have much money. Nevertheless, because it was the mid-'60's and he was reacting to his depression/war era parents, he thought that money wasn't important ?

art always came first. Consequently while as his peers, who were developing their careers alongside his, bought Nikon Fs, M series Leicas and Hasselblads, our hero had to satisfy himself using Pentax and Minoltas along with inexpensive third-party lenses from Tamron, Tokina and the like. He reveled in the simplicity of his ways. And, our hero succeeded. His photographs, made with cheap cameras on even cheaper lenses were widely published in major magazines, his better work was collected by major galleries and national institutions, and he was able to make a decent living as a freelance photojournalist.

Meanwhile his colleagues and competitors continued to tease and distress him about his not using "the best". Then the illness struck. He started to believe that they might be right. As quickly as he could he started to buy top rated cameras and lenses. Nikons, Leicas, Contax, Hasselblads ?all the top brands. His family's life-style suffered as he plowed more and more money into the finest camera bodies and lenses available.

Finally his career as well as his personal life were in jeopardy as his spending exceeded his financial abilities. Years later he reviewed this period of his life. With hindsight he saw how in fact his best work from that time of his life was done when he was poor and using so-called "amateur equipment". There was a freshness and a clarity of vision that became veiled by the later obsession with lines/mm, titanium bodies, exotic lens elements and the like.

Today he can afford to buy whatever equipment he wishes, and he does, and enjoys every one of them. But, he always remembers the lesson that that difficult period of his life taught him.






[ 此帖由 猫咪熊 最后编辑于: 2008-12-18 15:28 ]

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2008-12-05 13:44  #5

级别: 初中二年级
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注册日期: 2007-12
来自: 中国, 上海, 闸北区



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2008-12-05 14:26  #6

级别: 小学五年级
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来自: 中国, 上海, 杨浦开鲁路
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2008-12-05 14:29  #7

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2008-12-05 15:04  #8

级别: 初中二年级
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来自: 中国, 上海, 宁夏

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2008-12-05 15:47  #9

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2008-12-05 16:10  #10

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很好 很强大
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2008-12-05 17:09  #11

级别: 小学五年级
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2008-12-05 20:57  #12

级别: 大学一年级
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注册日期: 2007-06
来自: 中国, 北京, 市区


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2008-12-05 21:32  #13

级别: 高中一年级
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2008-12-05 22:07  #14

级别: 高中三年级
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注册日期: 2008-09
来自: 中国, 台湾, 新竹
很精彩的帖子! qseal認識很多影友,他們都是職業攝影師,但每當有新相機上市都跟上,不用功不認真拍攝,以為身上掛上專業貴價相機/鏡頭就可拍到好照片.
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2008-12-06 19:24  #15

级别: 小学六年级
积分: 1059
发帖数: 1006
注册日期: 2007-02
来自: 中国, 江苏, 常州

EF 17-40/F4L
EF 135/F2L
EF 100/F2.8 Macro USM
SM 50/F1.4 EX DG HSM
? EF100-400/F4-5.6L 还是 EF 70-300L
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