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我的意思是防抖对微距镜头而言不如常规镜头带防抖有用, 不是说没用.......多少有点用吧, 对近摄(0.5X以下)+手持 有用处,对1:1情况下的微距摄影,闪灯+1/200-1/250‘’是比较标准的条件 NIKON的105VR就有这问题,这也是CANON为什么迟迟不推出防抖微距头的原因 这不是俺原创的, LORD V等人对这事情几年前就有评论 As noted IS is of limited use for close-up and macro work as it only stabilizes two degrees of freedom. This is OK at magnifications below about 1/30 but above this the other four degrees of freedom become more significant, it may still provide a small benefit at 0.25-0.5X but is virtually zero after that. I know there has been some disappointment with the Nikon IS macro lens for this reason. I guess Canon have not bothered because of the technical drawbacks and the penalty of a more complex design often takes the edge of lens sharpness, a big issue for macro work. 俺拍摄微距从不用脚架,尽管买了专门的微距用脚架 “就如汽车的导航,没有时,也就没了,有了,就发现端的好用!” 这句话非常好 比较而言,我建议经济条件没问题的直接购买这防抖百微,毕竟这防抖还是有它的作用,但不要理解成这防抖可以解决微距摄影的“抖动”问题,近摄和1:1或更高倍数微距摄影是两码事。
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