Fira菲拉,圣托里尼的中心 ,乘船到达港口后有公交直达菲拉镇中心,圣托里尼的小镇全都是在岛的顶部,有300多米的落差,从港口上到岛顶部都是之字型的道路,坐在车里你的感觉就是:一边是冲向大海,另一边就是撞到悬崖,提心吊胆啊,不过别担心,司机们的技术超级棒,狭窄的道路会车转弯,开着奔驰大巴一点到难不倒他们。 (There are buses directly to Fira after you get to the Port. Towns in Santorini are on the top of the island,there are over 300 meters high from the sea. All the way is zigzag from the port up to the top, you will feel very nervous when you in the bus. Don’t worry, the drivers are professional, they have done very well. )
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