古阿哥拉 “阿哥拉”Agora,希腊语的意思“市集”。“古阿哥拉是除卫城之外雅典的另一个史前遗迹。在古希腊时期,市集除了商业之外还有政治宗教文化的功能,人们除了再市集购物,还会在这里讨论政治,交换时事信息,许多我们熟知的古希腊哲学家如苏格拉底也都在市集发表过演说。”(Ancient Agora, Agora means Market in Greek, Agora is another prehistoric remains in Athens besides Acroplis. In addition to business, there are political, religious and cultural functions. People could discuss politics, exchange current affairs here besides shopping,many of the well known Greek philosophers, such as Socrates gave speeches in the agoras.)
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