我再翻译一点RADISH在FREDMIRANDA上发的照片的获得的一些评论,RADISH是FM上的新人, 水平自然不能和FM上的大人物们比, 我拿他的图片举例有一定启示作用. 请看下面原图:
http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/504938见谅啊, 把图贴上来很容易, 但这事情还是经发图人允许才能做, 所以大家就点连接看吧
另外由于评论人都是摄影圈内的人, 用语很简练,专业, 我不可能按字面翻译....我加了加工
I would of liked the picture without the water in the front and that lookout tower in the middle left side... Those are the two things that distracted me the most...I really like how you captured your background and if that water wasn't there and you went to the edge of that cliff you prob. could of capture something really amazing!
我希望这张照片前景中没那片水以及照片中间左侧的凉亭........这两点最分散我对这张照片的注意力.......我真的很喜欢你对背景的处理, 但如果前面没有水,你能走到峭壁的边缘,你可能拍摄到美妙的场景!
NICE评:说的很婉转, 但直接对发图人的构图提出批评! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is a pretty spot.
To improve this shot
Clone out the hut
Try shadows to bring make the mountain behind darker and bring out the clouds.
To reshoot better I would
go vertical with less of water up front, perhaps one or two trees and the mountain behind.
I think you were trying to get too much into the picture
为了提高这张照片品质, 请把那个凉亭PS掉, 另外调节阴影(PS中的工具之一)把暗处的山体以及云彩表现出来.
如果重新拍摄的话我将采用竖拍方式, 取景时把前面的水少量取进来,可能有一到两棵树以及树后的山.
NICE 评: 我翻译时候已经给他加了点客气语, 这哥们开门见山直接命令发图人如何改善图片, 并暗示干脆重拍算了, 并告诉对方如何拍摄..... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Whether or not it was composed well, I can't say. But it's a breathtaking view. Gorgeous water.
Jeffrey Kuo
构图好坏俺不知道, 但风景真漂亮, 水真漂亮
NICE评: 这哥们相当于在新摄影上乱发"大气""漂亮""欣赏"一类人.让你评图呢你说照片里的水漂亮, 风景不错, 这不扯蛋嘛! 地球人都知道美女比满脸脸皱纹的老太太漂亮......----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quite like some of the water but maybe crop from the bottom to conceal the sandbank to the left - agree clone out the hut and ditto Scott - use levels to try and get more detail out of the clouds - sure looks a nice place to have been
Chris Chant
有点水还是好,但可能把下面一直到左侧的沙滩去掉比较好. 同意SCOTT的意见, 把那个凉亭去掉, 尽量把云采里的细节弄出来....呵呵, 当然了, 看起来是个不错的拍摄地方....
NICE 评: 有点总结性发言的意思 间接的把上面的棒缒也给骂了 新摄影上发表了很多"一抹神光"的照片, 这在西方摄影人看来是不可接受的图片, 表现细节是风景摄影的基本要素之一, 你如果表现不出这种暗处的细节来是你水平问题! 可反观这里的一些"大片""神光之片", 大大的画面上就那一点亮黄, 跟探照灯直接打在地面上似的.......其实RADISH的这张照片的暗处细节还算好的.....-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The bright water is what makes this shot. Keep as much of it as possible.
The sky doesn't contribute to the image. I would crop to just above the tip of the spindly tree on the right side of the frame. Lose a bit less than 100 pixels up there. I'm undecided about cropping the left side of the frame. I think the sand and hut may add something, but I'm not sure.
All of this is, of course, just one stranger's opinion. Very interesting landscape.
明亮的水是这张照片的亮点, 尽可能保留.
天空对这张照片没任何添彩之处. 如果是我我会在右侧的树上面一点裁图, 将可能扔掉差不多100左右的像素. 是否裁掉左侧我不好说,不过我认为凉亭以及沙滩对图片有帮助, 但我也不能肯定这一点.
当然了, 这只是我作为局外人的一种观点. 很有意思的风景
NICE评: 这是不同声音 很认真的不同声音!一种和上面绝然不同的声音!这就是FM的魅力, 你可以从评论者的评语中学到各方面的建议. 促使所有人去思考. 人是多样性的, 思考也是多样性的, 独立的思考是才是最有吸引力的! 来新摄影的人不乏高人, 但我就很少见到这样认真的评论, 我曾经留意过几位新摄影风光"大师"给别人的评语, 也不外乎"大气""漂亮"几个小学二年级就会写的汉字, 汗....汗如雨下啊.......真的是看不出图片的毛病吗? 不能给新上路的点指点吗? 能, 肯定能. 而且会给新手以极大的帮助! 但问提是这些大师接受那些崇拜着的大母哥太多了, 漂亮, 大气等让人舒服,上天堂的话也太多了,怕一旦说对方点什么会失去这些抬花轿的........失去在新摄影享受的"地位".....我话多了啊... 没伤着谁吧...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------