Some systems go further. For example, some Nikon cameras have a database of historic images stored in the camera’s computer together with a light pattern and the actual exposure used to record the image. When the light meter is activated, the camera reads the light levels in the scene to produce a current-scene light pattern, which it then matches against the image database. Once a match is found, it makes a note of the exposure used for the historic image and applies the same exposure value for the current image. Pretty clever stuff , when you think about it.
有些系统做得更先进,比如,尼康相机含有一个内建的数据库,包含了一些经典图像的案例中光线的样式与精确的曝光参数。当测光器被激活时,相机会分析场景光线的亮度来确定当前场景的光线样式(依据数据库)。直到找到一条匹配的图像。这时相机就会将经典图像的曝光参数,应用到当前图像中去。想想看,这的确是个相当智能的功能。 (译者注:真的有这回事吗?)
Despite its accuracy, this system has some limitations. First, when scene dynamic range exceeds the camera’s ability to record detail in highlights and shadows simultaneously, clipping of pixels (i.e., pixels having no measurable digital value) may result. Additionally, the system is the least suitable for capturing images with a degree of creativity, such as photographing silhouettes or rim lighting. (For details of when to use multisegment metering mode, see Habit 4.)
Center-Weighted Metering When center-weighted metering mode is selected, the camera measures the light for the full picture frame, but weights the exposure value to the level of light present in the center of the viewfinder.
中央重点测光 当选择中央重点测光模式时,相机会分析画面中所有位置的光线,但是会以取景器中间位置的光线作为重点进行测量。
The size of the center area to which the weighting is applied can be adjusted in some cameras, ranging from a circle with a diameter between 6 and 12 mm. Although a slightly older form of metering, it is accurate when matched with the right subject, typically portraiture (of people or animals). (For details of when to use center-weighted metering mode, see Habit 4.)
Spot Metering When metering mode is set to spot, light from a tiny portion of the frame (around 3%) only is assessed. This makes it possible to assess the brightness of an area of the scene in isolation from surrounding areas. For example, when photographing for a silhouette, a spot meter reading can be taken for the bright tones, without shadow areas influencing the resulting EV.
点测光 当我们设定测光模式为点测光时,在取景器中只有大约3%的位置参与测光。我们可以通过这种测光模式,来将场景中明亮的部分独立出来。比如当拍摄剪影时,点测光模式可以将高光细节表现出来而不受暗部区域的任何影响。
PHOTO © CHRIS WESTON Center-weighted metering is ideal for portraits of animals. (left) 中央重点测光模式是拍摄动物肖像的理想模式(左图)。 PHOTO © CHRIS WESTON Creative exposures are easier to manage when metering mode is set to spot metering. (right)
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