第二天天还未亮就起来了,心里惦记着日出卫城的景象,望着黑黢黢的小街不知道也不敢一个人出门。同行的妹妹对摄影毫无兴趣要睡懒觉,只好望着小巷尽头的天空盼着天亮。 我们投宿在普拉卡老城区,离卫城非常的近,但是普拉卡老城区纵横交错的小街小巷让人头晕,经常走着走着就分不清东南西北了,此为后话。 一路问到卫城大门口,买了套票12欧,套票是含四个景点的:卫城、宙斯神庙、古阿歌拉、罗马市集与风塔。(Package ticket is Euro 12, including Acroplis, the Temple of Olympian Zeus, Ancient Agora and Roman Agora & Tower of the wind.) 进入卫城第一个景点是这一排塑像展览馆,估计是几千年前古希腊的什么人物,希腊文看不懂,英文的也没有仔细看。(The first sight is the shed of exhibits. There are some statues here, we don’t know who they are. Maybe important persons in Ancient Greece. For Greek,we can’t read, for English, we didn’t read carefully. )
Rosalie 上传了这个图片: