悲哉秋之為氣也! Alas for the breath of autumn! 蕭瑟兮草木搖落而變衰, Wan and drear: flower and leaf fluttering fall and turn to decay; 憭慄兮若在遠行,登山臨水兮送將歸, Sad and lorn: as when on journey far ,one climbs a hill and looks down on the water to speed a returning friend; 泬寥兮天高而氣清, Empty and vast: the skies are high and the air is cold; 寂寥兮收潦而水清, Still and deep: the streams have drunk full and the waters are clear. 憯悽增欷兮薄寒之中人, Heartsick and sighing sore: for the cold draws on and strikes into a man; 愴怳懭悢兮去故而就新, Distraught and disappointed: leaving the old and to new places turning; 坎廩兮貧士失職而志不平, Afflicted: the poor esquire has lost his office and his heart rebels; 廓落兮羇旅而無友生, Desolate: on his long journey he rests with never a friend; 惆悵兮而私自憐。 Melancholy: he nurses a private sorrow.... ——宋玉《楚辞·九辩》Song Yu Mourns Autumn