其实 只要有人愿意看 我就OK了 希望能对有需要的人有所帮助。VISUALIZATION AND THE ART OF SEEING
可视化 与 视觉艺术“Visualization” is a word that was used frequently by the
grandmaster of outdoor photography, Ansel Adams. Adams
defined visualization as “referring to the entire emotional mental
process of creating a photograph” and as “a conscious
process of projecting the fi nal photographic image in the
mind before taking the first steps in actually photographing
the subject.”
亚当斯将之定义为“在创建一副影像过程中的整个情感与心理的可视化过程”或 “在实际拍摄前想象最终拍摄结果的过程。”For me, visualization starts before leaving home. Although it
would be unfair to suggest that I, or indeed any professional
photographer, knows every image I am going to record before
I record it, frequently I have a clear idea in my head of certain
images and compositions I intend to capture.
尽管这对于我,或是任何一种类别的专业摄影师来说,都是一件艰难的事情。The image of the brown bear (p. 247) is a perfect example. This image
was photographed on my third visit to Katmai National Park
(although my first visit to the Katmai Peninsula). Before I left
home, I pictured this scene almost exactly as you see it on the
第247也棕熊的影像就是一个完美的例子。这张图片拍摄于我第三次访问Katmai国家公园。在我离开家之前,我就想象着这一幕,而最终结果几乎与我之前的想象一模一样。This was the shot I went all the way to Alaska to get.
Now, while it may have been possible to photograph the same
shot without having visualized it, the fact that I knew what I
was looking for when I arrived on location made it more certain
that I’d find it.
这是偶不辞辛劳到阿拉斯加拍滴照片,尽管脑子里没有设想过也能拍出相同的图片,但事实上偶知道自己寻找滴东西,到达目的地那一刻偶更加确定就是它了。(请高人帮忙翻译的结果)In other words, visualizing the idea of a
photograph increases the likelihood of finding the right subject
and conditions in which to photograph it, which, in turn,
increases the success rate of your photographic journeys and
adventures. As Michael Nichols said previously, “When I’m
doing research, ideas about pictures come to my head. That
doesn’t mean I’m going to go out and set up pictures, but it
gives me a lot of ideas so I can hit the ground running.”
换句话说,在脑海中“视觉化”这个拍摄过程,可以为找到合适的主题与拍摄条件创造更多的机会。就像Michael Nichols 之前说过的那样。“当我开始研究课题的时候,关于照片的灵感从我的脑海中开始闪现。虽然那并不意味着我就要出去拍摄那样的图片,但是那样会为我带来更多的创作灵感,这就为我未来的成功拍摄创造了有利条件。Tip
小提示Google Earth is an excellent point of reference for determining how
a scene looks in real life and can be used in conjunction with a map
to help plan a photo excursion.