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本主题由 人海飘过 于 2011-11-15 08:22 加入推荐
2011-11-08 01:04  #46

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma
The ability to see in photographic terms is limited only by
your imagination. Some suggest that it can’t be taught, that
it’s a natural gift that a person possesses or not. I beg to differ.
I didn’t have a natural ability to see images; I learned the
ability from others, in the same way I learned from teachers
about math and science. It can be taught and its fundamentals
are found in design, a subject that I cover in depth in
Habit 5. Lesson 3: Think before you shoot. Imagine the final
image in your head before you frame the image and, when
it comes to defining the subject of the photograph, use your
imagination to think outside the box.






===========PACK FOR THE PICTURE YOU WANT===========


Two of the biggest conundrums facing photographers working
in the outdoors are what equipment to carry and how
to carry it. When it comes to overseas travel, particularly
when traveling via or through certain countries, the situation
becomes even more problematic.



The easy answer is to carry everything you own because
you are almost guaranteed that whatever you leave behind
is the piece of kit you’ll want most desperately on location.
However, lugging great packs of gear around, particularly on
extended trips, may not be feasible.


A better answer is found within the topics already covered.
If you have researched your trip and visualized the type of
images you want to photograph, not only are you likely to
improve your chances of getting the desired shots, you will
be able to make a more informed decision about the equipment
you will need to capture them.


For example, immediately after completing this book I am
heading to India and Vietnam to work on a new project. The
project is well defined and I have a clear goal as to the images
I want to shoot. All of the images involve working in close
proximity to the wildlife I’ll be photographing and so, when
it comes to choosing lenses for the trip, I know that I can
leave behind my long telephotos (heavy, cumbersome, diffi -
cult to transport and eye-catching to thieves) and pack only
the wide-angle and standard lenses and a short—medium
telephoto zoom, all of which fit nicely into my carry-on


Working this way I can limit the amount of gear I need to
transport overseas, which, since 9/11 and similar events in
London and elsewhere, has become one of the most stressful
parts of my job. It also means I have less to carry with me
into the field.

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2011-11-10 01:41  #47

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma
Get into the Habit: Photographic Equipment and Airports

Over the years, I have devised many methods of getting my gear
from point A to point B, safely and securely. As time has gone by,
most of the major airport authorities and airlines have done their
best to foil my latest fiendish plan, up to the point that now there
are few ways to beat the system.



Given the distinct possibility that anything valuable going into the
cargo area won’t make it to the intended destination, I rarely, if
ever, carry equipment in checked luggage. On a short assignment,
my typical method of carrying gear at the time of this writing is to
pack as much equipment into a regulation-size photo pack as I can
get away with. Packed intelligently, these packs can carry an awful
lot of gear. Any other equipment I secrete into the pockets of a
large press-style photo vest, which I wear under my jacket. I appreciate
that I look a bit idiotic, but I prefer this to having my valuable
equipment pilfered.


On longer assignments, where I have to carry much more equipment,
I have the bulk of the equipment shipped to my destination by one
of the major international courier companies. This way I can track
it throughout its journey and the equipment is insured (few insurance
companies will insure valuable items between the point of airport
check-in and baggage collection). When using this method of
transporting gear, I always carry with me a minimum amount of gear
to enable me to get some work done in the event my other equipment
arrives in Kazakhstan rather than Kenya. This gear includes the


■ Digital camera body 相机机身
■ 24- to 70-mm AF zoom 镜头1
■ 70- to 200-mm AF zoom 镜头2
■ 200- to 400-mm AF zoom 镜头3
■ 1.4  teleconverter 1.4倍增倍镜
■ Flash unit and cables/bracket 闪光灯组件
■ Spare batteries and charger 备用电池与充电器
■ Memory cards 存储卡
■ Portable HDD 移动硬盘
■ Camera/lens-cleaning accessories 相机/镜头 清洁套装
■ Cable release 数据线
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2011-11-10 01:46  #48

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma
For long overseas assignments, I often have the bulk of my gear shipped out by air courier. I then collect the containers at my final destination.


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2011-11-10 01:49  #49

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma

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2011-11-10 08:28  #50

级别: 大学三年级
精华: 5
积分: 27312
发帖数: 25622
注册日期: 2005-12
来自: 中国
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2011-11-10 21:18  #51

级别: 小学四年级
积分: 279
发帖数: 245
注册日期: 2006-10
来自: 中国, 广东, sz
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2011-11-15 01:08  #52

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma

前些日子一是比较忙 二是我们用的卫星网络实在是太不给力了 所以基本上就没有怎么上网更新 浪费了许多粮票 OK 现在开始更新~

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2011-11-15 03:00  #53

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma

A Tale of Two Cultures
Given the overly officious attitudes encountered at many airports,
the following true story may amuse you.
I was traveling out of a small, provincial airport in Africa, heading for
Johannesburg. To set the scene, the terminal building was little more
than a tin shack and the arrivals/departure information board was a
conference room flip chart.
In front of me in the security line was a lady carrying several rolls
of exposed fi lm. The film was in a clear plastic bag and each film
cartridge was outside its container. When the attendant, dressed in
an old, ill-fi tting uniform (no socks), called her forward she asked
politely if he would make a hand search of her film, explaining that
the x-rays might damage it.
The attendant looked a little perplexed, as if not understanding her
request, so she explained again. This time a wide, genial grin crossed
the man’s face and he pointed to a sign on the wall that read, “All
baggage must pass through the x-ray machine.”
“Yes, I know that,” said the lady “but, as I explained, the x-ray might
damage my film.”
“I am sorry,” replied the attendant, still smiling, “but all baggage
mus’ pass through the x-ray masheen.”
The lady tried again but received the same smiling response, “All
baggage mus’ pass through the x-ray masheen.”
A local tour guide overheard the conversation and tried to help out.
He spent fi ve minutes explaining to the attentive, still smiling attendant
the reason that the lady didn’t want to pass her film through
the x-ray machine.
Finally a look of understanding spread across the attendant’s face.
“Ah!” he said, “I understand. But … it is o-kay. Because … the xray
masheen, it is no’ working!”
With that the bag of film passed through the x-ray machine and
everyone was smiling.











“哦…… 我明白了 但是没关系。因为这个X光机没有工作……”


When choosing a photo bag, your options are seemingly
increasing all the time, as new and innovative designs reach
the marketplace. However, the two most important criteria
are its size (is it large enough to carry all the gear you’ll
need and, if you plan to travel much, small enough to be
accepted as carry-on luggage?) and comfort (how does it feel
when fully loaded?). My advice is to head down to your local
camera store and experiment with a few different bags.




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[ 此帖由 李程 最后编辑于: 2011-11-15 03:42 ]

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2011-11-15 03:27  #54

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma
If you intend to ever put camera equipment into an aircraft
cargo hold, then I would suggest strongly that you
use a purpose-designed hard case, such as those available
from Peli and Storm. These cases will withstand the
attention of even the most energetic of airport baggage
handlers and are almost indestructible. I say “almost” because
I have done some lengthy testing of Storm’s cases, and have
seen them survive the close attention of, among other creatures,
a black bear. However, a case finally met its match in
the shape of a full-grown adult male elephant. That said, the
elephant, which I should point out, was in musth, took 15
minutes to crush the case. This was enough to convince me
of its ability to protect my gear in all but the most extreme
of circumstances.

如果你打算航空托运你的摄影器材的话,我强烈建议你选择那些专门设计的摄影包。譬如 PELI 和 STORM 这两个牌子。他们“几乎”可以应付所有的暴力机场搬运工(注意,我说“几乎”是因为我已经测试过很多次了……)。而且我还亲眼见到他们从一头黑熊手下幸存……



When packing a bag for carrying in the field, make sure that
weight is evenly distributed; this will make it more comfortable
to carry, particularly on longer trips. Also, keep the bag
well-organized, with essential gear easily accessible.


When taking camera bags through airports, if you intend to
put a case in the cargo hold, try and disguise it by placing it
inside a less obvious bag, such as an old army or military duffel
bag. Padlocks will prevent minor pilfering but, when traveling
via any U.S. airport, use the specially designed padlocks
(Travel Sentry or Safe Skies Locks) to which U.S. Customs
and Security have a master key (in the United States the
authorities have the legal right to break any lock in order to
search a bag).



当你使用一些专门设计的挂锁(比如 Travel Sentry 或 Safe Skies Locks 这两个牌子),美国海关和保安部门会有一把专用钥匙,并且他们有合法的权利,开启并检查你的摄影包。
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2011-11-15 03:30  #55

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma
美国当局有一把特殊钥匙 有权打开这种密码锁 检查你的行李
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2011-11-15 03:37  #56

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma
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2011-11-15 03:39  #57

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma
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2011-11-15 16:20  #58

级别: 初中一年级
精华: 1
积分: 1258
发帖数: 1109
注册日期: 2006-12
来自: 中国, 福建, 漳州
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2011-11-16 01:29  #59

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma
One of the most critical skills to learn in nature photography
is the ability to handle the camera without thinking about it.
The more time one spends wondering which control dial to
adjust and in which direction, the greater the likelihood that
your intended image has long since disappeared from the
scene. This can be as true of an apparently static subject, such
as a landscape, as it is of fast moving subjects like wildlife,
particularly when you take into account how quickly light
can change.


A useful analogy is driving. Those of us who have been driving
for any period of time no longer think about the actual
act of driving, we just get in our cars and drive. It’s second
nature. A competent nature photographer is able to use the
camera in the same way. Of course, getting to this point takes
practice. Remember when you couldn’t drive at all? At that
point, we are in a state referred to as unconscious incompetence—
we don’t know what it is we don’t know. So, we
decide to get some instruction. The driving instructor places
us in the car and explains all the controls and how they work,
and we move into a state described as conscious incompetence—
we now know what it is we don’t know.


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2011-11-16 02:24  #60

级别: 小学五年级
精华: 1
积分: 445
发帖数: 373
注册日期: 2011-08
来自: 巴基斯坦, Mianwali, Chashma
After a few lessons and a bit of practice we begin to get the
hang of driving and our confidence increases, although we
still have to think about what it is we’re doing. This is the
state of conscious competence—we know what we’re doing
but have to think about it. Then after many weeks, months
and years of practice, we are able to drive without thinking
about the mechanics of driving—a state known as unconscious


然后经过也许是几周,也许是数月,甚至是数年的联系,我们就完全有能力不用考虑驾驶设备了,这种状态我们就称之为“无意识 有能力”

For many nonprofessional photographers, who do not get
a chance to use their cameras day in day out, camera skills
often sit in the second or third of these four categories. In
order to master professional-level nature photography, however,
developing the habit of using the camera instinctively is
critical. Habit 2: Know your camera!





In a cupboard at home I have an old Nikon F3 film camera.
For many years the F3 was Nikon’s flagship camera, a topof-
the-line, fully specified professional camera used by practically
all professional photographers in the fields of press
and outdoor photography. I also have the manual for the F3,
which runs to a “massive” 47 pages. I also have the instruction
manual for Nikon’s current top-of-the-line digital camera,
the D3, which runs to a total of 444 pages.



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